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Thorn: Fighting Financial Sextortion and Protecting Our Youth

The headlines are gut-wrenching. Young boys, targeted online by disguised perpetrators, are being manipulated to produce sexual imagery and immediately exploited for monetary gain through severe social shaming. Tragically, some have not survived the experience.

Stories like James’s have gained national attention, revealing an alarming rate of such exploitation. Thorn, a leading non-profit organization fighting on the frontlines against online child sexual exploitation, has new evidence that this kind of abuse is on the rise and continues to gain momentum. This devastating form of exploitation, known as financial sextortion, leverages sexual imagery for monetary gain and is deeply concerning for all children growing up in the digital age.

Thorn’s commitment to protecting children from online sexual exploitation is evident in their groundbreaking study titled “Trends in Financial Sextortion: An Investigation of Sextortion Reports in NCMEC CyberTipline Data.” Conducted in collaboration with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), this study shows a sharp increase in financial sextortion, primarily targeting unsuspecting teenage boys.

Financial Sextortion is on the Rise: Here’s What We Know

Thorn’s latest research indicates a worrying trend: NCMEC receives 812 reports of sextortion weekly, with more than two-thirds involving financial demands. The majority of victims are boys aged 14 to 17, who are often encouraged to share sexual images after receiving intimate imagery from the perpetrator. Many reported deceitful tactics like “catfishing,” while others faced threats of account hacking and the use of generative AI technologies to create or threaten to create explicit imagery. These findings underscore the critical need for awareness and protective measures for our youth, addressing the full range of possible tactics perpetrators might employ, including the increasing threat of generative AI.

The High-Stakes Transactional Nature of Financial Sextortion

Historically, sextortion cases often demanded more images or personal favors. However, Thorn’s research shows a significant increase in financial exploitation, especially against teenage boys. Frequently, the progression of threats is extremely rapid—often starting within hours of first contact—and designed to pressure children to pay before they have time to either process these threats or seek support. This highlights the urgency for open discussions about online safety with children, proactively countering these tactics that try to convince victims their lives will be ruined if they do not comply with the demands, and for effective safety measures on platforms that empower victims to get support quickly.

Real Kids Are in Danger

Financial sextortion happens every single day across the web. Its effects are devastating to the kids who find themselves in unimaginably difficult situations. The emotional and psychological toll on these young victims can lead to severe consequences, including withdrawal from social activities, depression, and even self-harm. Sextortion can be a high-stress situation for young people, who may fear reporting the incident or seeking help. Of those reports in Thorn’s study which described specific impacts of the experience, more than 1 in 6 included mention of self-harm or suicide.

How Should Parents and Kids Prepare for This Threat?

Understanding the severe implications of financial sextortion is crucial, especially for parents and other caretakers, who can serve as the first line of defense in protecting children and helping them take control of online safety. When faced with sextortion threats, parents and kids alike should know that the best course of action is to not pay, block the offender, and report the incident to authorities and the involved platforms.

Thorn’s research underscores the need for platforms to enhance their detection and reporting mechanisms to better understand and track financial sextortion and for parents and guardians to discuss the risks with their children and create safe spaces where children don’t fear seeking help.

Thorn offers several resources to support these efforts. **Thorn for Parents** helps parents and caregivers facilitate earlier, more frequent, and judgment-free conversations with kids about digital safety. **Thorn’s NoFiltr program** encourages healthy and informed conversations directly among youth, equipping young people with the knowledge to recognize and navigate potentially risky online experiences.

For more information about sextortion, including what it is, why it occurs, and what to do if you or someone you know is facing this threat, visit Thorn’s blog series and []( Additionally, if you or someone you know is worried about intimate images of them as a minor being online, NCMEC’s Take It Down service can help have those images removed.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, the 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free, and confidential support for people in distress, as well as prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones.

Thorn continues to lead the charge against online child sexual exploitation, providing invaluable resources, conducting crucial research, and fostering safer digital environments for children worldwide.

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